* @NApiVersion 2.1
* @NScriptType ClientScript
* On save of vendor bill, call Suitelet to get purchase order and item receipt data.
* If differences exits, show differences to user and allow them to input a reason
* if they decide to save the vendor bill.
define(['N/https', 'N/url','N/format'], (https, url, format) => {
let MODE = null;
let finalSubmit = false;
pageInit = (context) => {
MODE = context.mode;
console.log('MODE', MODE);
saveRecord = (context) => {
// only check on creation of vendor bill
// we are clicking "Bill" on purchase order which is MODE == 'copy'
if (MODE != 'copy') {
return true;
const LOGTITLE = "saveRecord " + context.currentRecord.id;
let curRecord = context.currentRecord;
if (finalSubmit) {
return true;
let poId = curRecord.getValue('podocnum');
if (!poId) {
// if not generating from a PO return
return true;
console.log('poId:' + poId);
// call Suitelet to get the purchase order and item receipt data
var response = getTransactionData(poId);
let vbData = getVendorBillData(curRecord);
setTimeout(function () {
log.debug(LOGTITLE, `response: ${response}`);
// compare the VB to PO and IR (if it exists)
let output = compareData(response, vbData);
if (output == 'success') {
log.debug(LOGTITLE, `Three Way Match Success`);
finalSubmit = true;
else {
let resReason = 'Differences detected in Real-Time Three-Way Match for one or more items.<br><br>' + output + '<br>Please enter the reason for saving the record.';
Ext.Msg.prompt('Three-Way Match Validation', resReason, function (btn, text) {
if (btn == 'ok') {
// Click the save button
fieldId: 'custbody_threewaymatch_discrepancy',
value: text
finalSubmit = true;
else {
finalSubmit = false;
}, 2000);
return false;
getTransactionData = (poId) => {
let stSuiteletUrl = url.resolveScript({
scriptId: 'customscript_sd_sl_threewaymatch',
deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sd_sl_threewaymatch'
let headerObj = {
'accept': 'application/json',
'content-type': 'application/json'
let params = {
'poId': poId
let response = https.post({
url: stSuiteletUrl,
body: JSON.stringify(params),
headers: headerObj
console.log('response:' + response.body);
return response.body;
getVendorBillData = (curRecord) => {
let vbData = [];
// Get the vendor bill data
let lineCount = curRecord.getLineCount({ sublistId: 'item' });
for (let i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
const line = curRecord.getSublistValue({sublistId: 'item',fieldId: 'line',line: i});
const itemId = curRecord.getSublistValue({sublistId: 'item',fieldId: 'item',line: i});
const itemQty = curRecord.getSublistValue({sublistId: 'item',fieldId: 'quantity',line: i});
const itemRate = curRecord.getSublistValue({sublistId: 'item',fieldId: 'rate',line: i});
const itemAmount = curRecord.getSublistValue({sublistId: 'item',fieldId: 'amount',line: i});
const itemName = curRecord.getSublistText({sublistId: 'item',fieldId: 'item',line: i});
line: line,
item: itemId,
qty: itemQty,
rate: itemRate,
amount: itemAmount,
name: itemName
return vbData;
compareData = (response, vbData) => {
let reason = '';
let data = JSON.parse(response);
let poData = data.poData;
let irData = data.irData;
for (let i = 0; i < vbData.length; i++) {
let vbItem = vbData[i];
let itemNameArray = vbItem.name.split(':');
let itemName = itemNameArray[itemNameArray.length-1];
let poItem = poData.itemData[vbItem.item];
let irItem = null;
if (irData) {
irItem = irData.itemData[vbItem.item];
let itemHTML = `${getTextInBlue('Item:')} ${itemName} (Line ${vbItem.line})`;
// compare rate
if (vbItem.rate != poItem.rate) {
let comparison = getComparison(vbItem.rate,poItem.rate);
reason += `${itemHTML} ${getTextInBlue('VB Price')} ($${getCurrency(vbItem.rate)}) is ${comparison} ${getTextInBlue('PO Price')} ($${getCurrency(poItem.rate)})<br>`;
if (irData && vbItem.rate != irItem.rate) {
let comparison = getComparison(vbItem.rate,irItem.rate);
reason += `${itemHTML} ${getTextInBlue('VB Price')} ($${getCurrency(vbItem.rate)}) is ${comparison} ${getTextInBlue('IR ' + irData.tranid + ' Price')} ($${getCurrency(irItem.rate)})<br>`;
// compare quantity
if (vbItem.qty != poItem.qty) {
let comparison = getComparison(vbItem.qty,poItem.qty);
reason += `${itemHTML} ${getTextInBlue('VB Quantity')} (${vbItem.qty}) is ${comparison} ${getTextInBlue('PO Quantity')} (${poItem.qty})<br>`;
if (irData && vbItem.qty != irItem.qty) {
let comparison = getComparison(vbItem.qty,irItem.qty);
reason += `${itemHTML} ${getTextInBlue('VB Quantity')} (${vbItem.qty}) is ${comparison} ${getTextInBlue('IR ' + irData.tranid + ' Quantity')} (${irItem.qty})<br>`;
// compare amount
if (vbItem.amount != poItem.amount) {
let comparison = getComparison(vbItem.amount,poItem.amount);
reason += `${itemHTML} ${getTextInBlue('VB Amount')} ($${getCurrency(vbItem.amount)}) is ${comparison} ${getTextInBlue('PO Amount')} ($${getCurrency(poItem.amount)})<br>`;
if (irData && vbItem.amount != irItem.amount) {
let comparison = getComparison(vbItem.amount,irItem.amount);
reason += `${itemHTML} ${getTextInBlue('VB Amount')} ($${getCurrency(vbItem.amount)}) is ${comparison} ${getTextInBlue('IR ' + irData.tranid + ' Amount')} ($${getCurrency(irItem.amount)})<br>`;
if (reason) {
reason = `<font size="+1" color="green"><b>Purchase Order#${poData.tranid}</b></font><br>${reason}`;
else {
reason = 'success';
return reason;
getTextInBlue = (text) => {
return `<font color="blue">${text}</font>`;
getComparison = (value1, value2) => {
return value1 > value2 ? 'greater than': 'less than';
getCurrency = (amount) => {
return format.format({value:amount, type: format.Type.CURRENCY});
return {
pageInit: pageInit,
saveRecord: saveRecord
* @NApiVersion 2.1
* @NScriptType Suitelet
Return purchase order and item receipt data.
define(['N/http', 'N/search', 'N/record'],
(http, search, record) => {
onRequest = (context) => {
try {
if (context.request.method === http.Method.POST) {
let requestBody = context.request.body;
let poId = JSON.parse(requestBody).poId;
let poData = getTransactionData(record.Type.PURCHASE_ORDER, poId);
let itemReceiptId = getItemReceiptId(poId);
let irData = null;
if (itemReceiptId) {
irData = getTransactionData(record.Type.ITEM_RECEIPT, itemReceiptId);
let response = {
poData : poData,
irData : irData
catch (e) {
log.error('suitelet error', JSON.stringify(e));
throw e.message;
getItemReceiptId = (poId) => {
let itemReceiptSearch = search.create({
type: search.Type.ITEM_RECEIPT,
filters: [
['createdfrom', 'anyof', poId]
columns: ['internalid']
var id = null;
itemReceiptSearch.run().each(function (result) {
id = result.id;
return true;
return id;
//Get the item list of record
getTransactionData = (recordType, recordId) => {
log.debug('recordType', recordType);
log.debug('recordId', recordId);
var curRecord = record.load({
type: recordType,
id: recordId,
isDynamic: true
let tranid = curRecord.getValue('tranid');
let lineCount = curRecord.getLineCount({ sublistId: 'item' });
let itemData = {};
for (let i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
const itemId = curRecord.getSublistValue({sublistId: 'item',fieldId: 'item',line: i});
const itemQty = curRecord.getSublistValue({sublistId: 'item',fieldId: 'quantity',line: i});
const itemRate = curRecord.getSublistValue({sublistId: 'item',fieldId: 'rate',line: i});
let itemAmount = 0;
if (curRecord.type == record.Type.PURCHASE_ORDER) {
itemAmount = curRecord.getSublistValue({sublistId: 'item',fieldId: 'amount',line: i});
else {
itemAmount = itemQty * itemRate;
itemData[itemId] = {
qty: itemQty,
rate: itemRate,
amount: itemAmount
return {
itemData : itemData,
tranid : tranid
return { onRequest };
Jaime Requena is a seasoned NetSuite Consultant and Solutions Architect, known for delivering WHITE GLOVE service to businesses. With 15+ years of experience and 3x certifications in ERP, Developer, and Admin, Jaime specializes in highly customized NetSuite accounts, transforming operations for 200+ satisfied customers all across the globe.
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